The Ultimate Guide to a Proper Diet: To Power-Up Your Body: ⚡in to an Energized, Vitalized, Fat Burning Machine⚡!
Ultimate guide to a proper diet for weight loss

The Ultimate Guide To A Proper Diet Plan. Proven For Long Term Success

This Ultimate Guide to a Proper Diet is designed around the needs of your bodies and will power-Up and support your body, plus help you find a healthy balance for long term energy and vitality.

So many people are searching for diet plans, whether it’s for weight loss, for diabetes, for inflammations, for heart health, and on and on as most of the population cant seem to find a health balance.

Well guess what … The Best Diet Plan Is A Healthy Lifestyle Plan!  The number one question I get asked all the time is how do I maintain my weight?  Most of my friends around me are trying to lose weight, and have tried countless plans, only to turn around and put all the weight back on…. Yet I’ve remained consistent.

In this article The Vitality Guru will share the ultimate guide to a proper diet plan. We’ll share the basics as well as advanced techniques to give you a jumpstart on a healthy lifestyle plan and  turn your body into energize, vitalize, fat burning machine, that you can maintain long-term. To be clear this is no quick fix nor magic pill to make you lose weight and keep it off rather. Those quick fixes put you on a diet roller coaster that cause more problems and they solve.  Rather the habit of supporting your body through your food choices and other factors will power up your body and drive the fat burning process. The key to a healthy diet plan is not the calorie counting plan, but rather the support your body plan.  How well the foods you eat support your body and fuel liver, and kidney function, play a huge role in your vitality plan.

Think about it, which image best describes you today. 

Proper Nutrition
Good Health & Vitality

Incomplete Nutrition
Ill health & Being Overweight

Diet Plan Comparison

  1. Other factors that impact weight loss are

    1. Ensuring you get you 7-9 hours of sleep
    2. Ensuring you get enough of the required essential fatty acids
    3. Engaging in physical activity (at least 1/2hour daily at a minimum)
    4. Managing your stress
    5. Ensuring that you drink your 8 glasses on water daily. I will go into the importance of these further down as well.

    You can also check out my video on this, which is reference below, which is part of my optimal wellness series.

My Must Watch Video On the Ultimate Guide To A Proper Diet

Finding Success With Proper Nutrition AKA A Proper Diet

Here’s a shocker…. I do not count calories, nor do I try to follow a calorie counting plan and I never have. I use portion control. My healthy habits have allowed me to maintain my weight and when life events throw me a curveball, and I gain weight, I lose it and get back to my regular size without any crazy Diet Plans. Yeah, yeah , you may be thinking what works for you won’t’ work for me, I’m different. My response is our bodies are dynamic bio-chemistry in motion. If you understand how to feed it and understand its own language you ‘ll be successful in your weight loss quest.

I’ve also successfully guided my husband to lose 80 pounds (the equivalent of a small child). He tried other plans before following my program and was left disappointed by each one. Under my program he successfully won the biggest loser challenge at his office three times… for grand total weight loss of 80 pounds.

The Steps For A Proper Diet Plan Are Outlined Below:

  1. Add the NEOLIFE Pro Vitality Pack to your daily routine for your energy baseline. This goes way beyond just a multivitamin, it’s a multi-food -factor supplement that includes antioxidant and omega 3 (which fight oxidation and inflammation). For under $2/day keeps you smiling all the wat to the bank. $57.15 /30days=$1.90 < $2/day
  2. Start your day off right with a break designed to give your body 1/3 of its daily nutritional requirements. The NEOLIFE Shakes puts your body in fat burning mode, as it does not trigger a glycemic response (so it’s great for diabetics as well. Hot Tip for expecting mom’s its a great addition to fill the nutritional gap so important for expecting moms).
  3. Eat 5 times a day, eating smaller portions and getting your body into the habit of expecting food so it goes into high gear and raises your metabolism (burn fat mode) and not lower it which happens when you skip meals or don’t eat regularly.
  4. Follow the 80/20 Rule: 80% of what you eat should fuel your body and 20% is your cheat/indulgences. You won’t always hit this but this is the norm you want to hit.
  5. Drink your 8 glasses of water daily
  6. Engage in physical activity (at least 1/hour daily). For weight Loss step it up a notch to 1 hour if not daily at least 3 times/week)

Healty Breakfast Pack


  1. NEOLIFE Pro Vitality Pack for your energy baseline: More than just a vitamin …. A Broad Spectrum Multivitamin, plus Salmon Oil Omega 3s & Immunity Boosting Carotenoid Complex.  For under $2/day $57.15 /30days=$1.90 < $2/day
  2. Plus the NEOLIFE Shakes designed to give you 1/3 of your daily nutritional requirement at only 120 calories gets you day off to the right start. [Hot Tip for expecting mom’s its a great addition to fill the nutritional gap so important for expecting moms. For under $5/meal it’s the best value meal.

             1 Packet = $62.15/15 Servings = $4.14/ meal.

Buy Now

Ask me how to save 10-25% on your order and save even more!

For the optimal weight loss solution, swap out 2 meals/day with the shakes. Ask

For those really serious about weight loss and need to jump start the process swap out 2 meals a day with the NEOIFE SHAKES and start off with the 2 week Vitality Detox/Cleanse designed to fuel liver and kidney function to help you get them into high gear to clear out waste and sludge out of our bodies. All using options based in mother nature.  A side benefit of the detox is that you can lose up the five pounds our more during the detox. Contact us using our form and request your free Vitality Detox  

We’ve all heard about the food pyramid and the servings/day we need. But are you really tracking this?  Yes you. Honestly do you know whether or not your tank is really full ….½ full…. ¼ full?  Most of us have no idea, and here in lies the rub. In addition to this we add load to al already overloaded system by adding junk food , alcohol and sugar in excess,  and have turned the food pyramid upside down.

So if you turn this upside down pyramid right side up, and fuel your body with proper nutrition, you fuel energy, vitality, weight loss and so much more, including lowering your risk for ill health and disease…  This is not just my personal opinion and experience, both the CDC and Harvard Health have also stated this and published their findings. Rebalance your body by starting to fuel it right on proper nutrition.

If you are ready to start you proper diet journey and take you first step and grow into your healthy lifestyle make an appointment today. We’ll stat with the basics and take it from there.

If you are not maintaining, then you are compromising, and we see the result of this as ill health manifested in so many ways in kids and adults alike. Break the cycle and jump off the sleep roller coaster and jump in this healthy lifestyle habit to help you stay strong, healthy and full of vitality.

Need Healthy lifestyle Coaching… Schedule your personalized consultation today otherwise you can shop our Vitality Store.

If You are a self-starter, looking to lose weight, boost energy , Vitality, or some other challenge. Try our 30-Day  Vitality Challenge and see real results.


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