Vitality Guru 30-Day Vitality Challenge for Weight Loss And To Boost Energy, Vitality, Plus More
Sustainable weight loss Wellness Journey

 30-Day Vitality Challenge – Vitality & Weight Loss Program

The 30-Day Vitality Challenge is designed to get you  to rethink what you eat and your daily routine. It seems that everyone wants to improve their overall health and well-being, plus maintain a healthy weight and their youthful good looks.  The best program is one that not only fills the deficiencies in your diet and  corrects the imbalances, but also, fuels  and optimizes your nutritional intake, no compromises, there by teaching your body good habits to make it stronger and more resilient. The questions you need to answer are

  1. Are you confident about your long term out look for good health?
  2. Do you have the energy, stamina and drive and power through whatever life throws your way? needs to be
  3. Do you have youthful vibrant hair , skin and nails?
  4. Do you maintain a health weight?

If you did not answer yes to all 4 of these, then you are in the right place. Are you ready to jump off the diet roller coaster yo-yo, the confusing calorie counter train, and the daily tracking your meals train? If that just sounds like too much work, so break those silly chains and try the 30-Day Vitality Challenge to get you started on the right path.

So you’ve tried

  1. The standard diet plan and counting calories/points it hard to follow and frustrating
  2. The HCG Diet to lost weight and gain it all back plus some.
  3. You’ve tried intermittent fasting and lost weight, but it’s too hard to maintain so you’ve gained back that as well and you are starving!
  4. You’re tried the juice cleanse but long term you have to eat, so that didn’t work long term either.

Other popular diet plans that leave you frustrated So… what is the solution? One that’s convenient and actually works long term. It’s the feed your body right plan… taking everyday actions that can fit into your routine that you can take for the rest of your life that and don’t cause some other problem and won’t complicate your life.  

Understanding The link Between Nutritional Support &  Your Well-Being

Proper Nutrition = Good Health & Vitality

Incomplete Nutrition = Ill health & Being Overweight

Diet Plan Comparison

I’m not here to tell what you already know, but if your diet plan does not include a food plan and routine you can do every day for the rest of your life…. Save yourself the hassle and frustration and get off the diet roller coaster yo-yo today! The Vitality Guru Healthy Lifestyle Program puts you on a path to better energy and vitality, plus successful weight loss and weight maintenance.  I’m proof of that …even after 2 surgeries where mobility was an issue, I bounced back to my regular weight with no crazy exercise or starvation plan. In fact I’m energized, and glowing with good health. No dry, dull, sagging skin here.

Introducing the Vitality Challenge Jumpstart Facebook Group.


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#DoOneThingDifferent: Get Access To Resources & Coaching. Learn how Lose Weight, Boost Energy & Vitality, Plus So Much More! Take one small step and build from there

Join our supportive community and build healthy habits critical to your weight loss, diabetes, life goals. Build good health, well-being and vitality.

Sign Up here to get started with our free tools here 👉 30-Day Vitality JumpStart Get Started
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Beginner, advanced or custom Detox program to improve digestion available for those ready to take it to the next level. Boost liver & kidney function to jumpstart weight loss. Program modifications will be available in addition to the standard programs.

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Check out the top habits series for effective weight loss, weight maintenance  &  vitality, which are the corner stone of the Vitality Challenge Jumpstart program.

The Challenges With Most Weight Loss Programs

There are lots of ways to lose weight, I won’t argue with that, but not all of them will work for you and most have a back-end-slap if you are not fueling your body right.

  1. You can suck it out with surgery and then have your body deposit it all back.
  2. Melt is with laser, but your body again deposits it all back as you haven’t addressed the fundamental principle to keep the weight off.
  3. Do major gastric bypass surgery or a lap band procedure (sounds scary to interfere and disrupt the digestive process) which has long term nutritional implications
  4. You can fast it off and not eat . Not sure how long that works for but I do know this method makes you gain it back the fastest
  5. Or a whole host of other ways all that have serious implications for your long-term health…

I know the question your thinking…. Geez there has to be a simple healthy solution to control my ever-expanding waistline isn’t there? The answer is….Yes … there is… and I’m proof that. I still enjoy my chocolate too. We are not talking about a lifetime of restrictions. You learn how to moderate and the 80:20 Rule. 80% of what you eat should fuel your body, the other 20% is your indulgences. That’s the mantra I live by today Weight loss is not about counting calories it about eating to support your body, fueling liver and kidney function.

For all you ladies concerned about you skin sagging and losing its firm, supple nature, this is not the case with this program. If you have lost weight and this is now a concern be sure to contact me using the link below and I’ll share with you how how to firm up  and keep your skin firm tight and supple as you lose the weight.

I digressed so back to the topic on hand … So you say you are married to your fast food and other convenience foods, … well this is not the plan for you. We already know they are these are among the leading causes of weight gain… there is no doubt about that. However, if you recognize you need a different path to maintaining a healthy weight, then this is the program for you. No gimmicks and no tricks. Try the 30-day Vitality Challenge and you be the judge. This will get you started on the right path.

Vitality Challenge Program Options:




 Program Details And Recommended Products


Beginner Vitality Plan

Pro vitality Pack for foundational balance

The Beginner 30-Day Vitality Challenge… where you just lay a basic foundation and the Pro Vitality supplement to you daily routine to boost energy and vitality. In this program you follow your existing regular routine.
  ✅ 1 The Pro Vitality Pack – Foundational baseline.

This is for those on the fence looking to test the waters first. For under $2/day This keeps you smiling all the way to the bank.  $58.68 /30days=$1.95 < $2/day

#VitalityChallengeJumpstart Beginner Program For Energy
2-Week Detox + Beginner Vitality Plan

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Advanced Vitality PlanHealthy Breakfast Pack

The Advanced 30-Day Vitality Challenge…. Where you add the above plus add the NEOLIFE shakes for breakfast. These shakes provide a balanced nutrient rich breakfast to get your metabolism started early in the morning. It also will not trigger a glycemic response, so it’s perfect for diabetics too.

  ✅ 1 Pro Vitality Pack
  ✅ 2 NEOLIFE shakes for breakfast.

At under $7/day  (with breakfast already taken care of) $1.95+$3.31= $5.45) /day that’s an awesome value meal. $49.70/14days =$3.31 < $5/day.

#VitalityChallengeJumpstart Advanced Program For Energy + Nutrition Boost
2-Week Detox + Advanced Vitality Plan

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Optimal Vitality Plan For Weight Loss

Optimal vitality plan -Healthy weight loss plan

The Optimal 30-Day Vitality Challenge Program… Where you do the above as well as follow the 2-week Vitality Detox program then the 2-week transition program to really jump start weight loss and boost liver and kidney function so they can do the heavy lifting and get rid of the unwanted sludge and fat in your body.
  ✅ 1 Pro Vitality Pack
  ✅ 4 NEOLIFE shakes for breakfast.

  ✅Vitality Detox Plan with Digestive enzymes support and Aloe Vera Support

At under $10/day ($1.95+3.31 Meal 1, +$3.31 Meal2 =$8.57/Day). Better than any value meal and packed with whole-food nutrition

#VitalityChallengeJumpstart Optimal Program For Weight Loss+ Energy + Nutrition Boost
2-Week Detox + Optimal Vitality Plan

Buy Now


Our bodies are perfect bio-chemistry in motion and require specific nutrients, provided across a broad range of foods. Feed it what it needs through a proper diet and food-based nutritional supplements where your diet falls short…  and reap the rewards. Answers from the vitality guru.

Start with the Vitality Quotient Quiz for a self-assessment to get a snap shot of today and then after your 30-day challenge we’ll re-do the quiz and you’ll see the change and transformation in your body … not only from how you feel but also in your VQS (Vitality Quotient Score) numbers. Let’s get you started today.

The Full Line Of Life Changing NEOLIFE Products can be found at the Vitality Store .  All products are based in nature and backed by science and come with a 90-Day money back guarantee.


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Join The Vitality JumpStart Challenge Facebook Group for 2025 (NEW START DATE!)

Start Date Pushed Back 1 week For convenience for those just getting back from vacation!

FREE Assessment Profile Build & Consultation,  PlusTools, Tips, Recipes, Meal Planner & Accountability For 30-Days. Products Extra.
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