Proven Tips For a Better Night’s Sleep. Healthy Habits for a Good Night’s Rest
Research shows that 95% of the population 95% can’t seem to find a healthy balance when it comes to nutrition, so it’s no wonder sleep is a challenge for so many. A good night’s rest is tied to the bodies sleep cycle. If the required nutrients to support this are not present in the right quantity, your sleep quality is compromised. The human body is dynamic bio-chemistry in motion. It is a complex process science is still trying to unravel, but there is a lot we already know, but have forgotten or just plain ignore for whatever reason.
The Top Tips For Better Sleep (aka forgotten secrets) are part of the foundation for good health.
- Eat a proper diet rich in the nutrients needed to power your body, especially those supporting liver and kidney function.
- Add food-based nutritional supplements to fill the gaps. Calcium is required by your body for proper sleep, so boost this.
- Engage in physical activity for 30-minutes daily, whether this is dancing, walking jogging, going to the gym or other activities.
- Better manage your stress and allow for wind down time at the end of the day before going to bed.
- Set the routine to be in bed between 9:30-10:pm so you set aside time for the 6-8 hours of rest needed by your body.
Not only do they not eat enough fruits a vegetables to supply the required nutrients needed, this is compounded by the fact that they eat mostly convenience foods / food products deficient in these nutrients and tax the body as they are what are considered “empty foods”. See the Vitality Optimal Wellness Series. Search @VitalityGuru
There is a solution to the insomnia and sleep deprivation that is so wide spread. A good night’s sleep in programmed into your bodies and we throw off these systems and processes by our daily habits. To restore these systems and processes we have to go back to the basics.
Which image best describes your morning mood the next morning when you wake up after?
Proper Nutrition = Proper Rest |
Incomplete Nutrition = Groggy and Sleepy |
For years I personally struggles with sleep and active as I was I would sleep a lot but I was still always tired. I thought that was just normal. It was not until I had to have surgery and needed a bone graft that I truly understood how important calcium was. My doctor recommended that I get on a calcium supplement to help with the healing of the bones. I started on a calcium regimen, which I continue today. I noticed subtle changes and at first I did not recognize that these challenges that had plagued me for years went away.
- I got painful muscle contracts all the time. Remember I was pretty athletic and using my muscles a lot. These disappeared.
- My sleep drastically improved, so much so that not only did I not feel so tried, I wake up well rested and ahead of my alarm. My body now gets restful sleep. My internal alarm clock was working as it should.
- My PMS disappeared. The painful cramps and the swelling of my breasts disappear and have not comeback.
My Must watch Video The Best Sleep Hacks, For a Good Night’s Rest
You can watch Better Sleep Video for my healthy tips proven to give you a good night’s sleep so you don’t wake up feeling just as tired as you were when you went to sleep.
Tone Down the Activity before Bedtime. Sleep Hacks
Stress, our phones, watch TV can all wind us up, and if our body can’t unwind, you can’t sleep. The are so many proposed solutions, btu they cannot replace your bodies own natural mechanism. They can only enhance and can be add ons.
Be intentional about your nighttime routine and turn off the TV and your devices 1 hour before bed. Who wants to be wound up when you need to go to sleep?
Your body cannot go into restful sleep if you do not have enough calcium available. There’s a reason why they give a baby a bottle of warm milk. It’s loaded with calcium and other nutrients needed to help build the body. So when you go into restful sleep your body is able to restore, renew and rebuild itself. Calcium is essential to this process. Your body cannot relax and go into the normal sleep cycle needed for restful sleep without calcium. And unfortunately sleep is not a high enough priority for your body to pull calcium from your bones…. so the quality of your sleep is compromised along with the rebuild process that goes along with it.
Your body is perfect bio-chemistry in motion and it needs the right fuel to support it. So if you are not getting enough from your foods (95% of the population are not), this is where food-based supplements come in (not synthetics). Yes, there is a difference.
If you drink a glass of plain warm milk before bed you will have a better night’s rest. To have a great night’s rest skip the calories in the milk at night and take 2 NEOLIFE chelated Cal-Mag supplement tablets. This is the calcium I use and have been taking for years. This is also the same calcium I recommend to my clients.
NEOLIFE Cal-Mag Chelated Calcium for Better Absorption A Great Value – For less than $0.50 /day… Here’s the math 1 Bottle @ $37.05 with 150 Tablets 2 tablets/day Taken at night (150/2= 75 Days Supply $37.05/75 = $0.49 (<$0.50!!!)
Not only will your sleep improve, but also will so many other vital functions in your body improve. For $0.49/day (less than the cost of a serving of yogurt) you can get 50% of you daily required calcium. You take the 2 tablets at night when you are going to bed (or with dinner, whichever is easiest).
Calcium Is Not Just For Restful Sleep
Here’s a short list of the some of the vital functions of Calcium:
Support healthy sleep cycles & restful sleep
Help form bones and teeth
Support movement of muscles (proper contraction & relaxation reduce muscle contractions)
Assist with nerve messaging between the brain and body systems
Help blood flow as vessels relax and constrict
Release hormones and enzymes that support body functions
Proper clotting of blood
Support a normal heart rhythm
Reduce the incidence of PMS symptoms
And so much more…
Don’t turn into hunchback and poach calcium from your bones… fuel your body and give it what it needs and stay strong and healthy. Don’t compromise your sleep and don’t turn into hunchback and poach calcium from your bones… fuel your body and give it what it needs and stay strong and healthy. Remember you have this one body. After you stop growing in your 20s, it’s all about support and maintenance.
If you are not maintaining, then you are compromising, and we see the result of this as ill health manifested in so many ways in kids and adults alike. Break the cycle and jump off the sleep roller coaster and jump in this healthy lifestyle habit to help you stay strong, healthy and full of vitality.
Schedule your personalized consultation today or shop our Vitality Store.