Join The January 2025 30-Day Vitality Jumpstart Challenge On Facebook

Imaging Looking & Feeling Like This Every Day!


30-Day Vitality
Jumpstart Challenge

New beginnings are harder without friends & support. When you have community you have a support system and answers to questions as other journey along with you. Join our community and build sustainable healthy habits as you start your wellness journey towards sustainable weight loss, energy and vitality. Act Now!. Limited Spots Available.

You Just Gotta Get Started, And You'll Grow With Each Step!

The Vitality Guru

Starter Program Options

Don’t Forget To Complete Your Free Vitality Assessment.

Beginner Vitality Plan

.The Beginner 30-Day Vitality Challenge… where you just lay a basic foundation and the Pro Vitality supplement to you daily routine to boost energy,  and vitality. In this program you follow your existing regular routine.

  ✅ The Pro Vitality Pack – Foundational baseline. A balanced Multi-Vitamin, With Immunity Boosting Antioxidant & Anti-Inflammatory Omega 3s

This is for those on the fence looking to test the waters first. For under $2/day This keeps you smiling all the way to the bank.  $57.15 /30days=$1.90 < $2/day

#VitalityChallengeJumpstart Beginner Program For Energy
2-Week Detox + Beginner Vitality Plan

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Advanced Vitality Plan

The Advanced 30-Day Vitality Challenge…. Where you add the above plus add the NEOLIFE shakes for breakfast. These shakes provide a balanced nutrient rich breakfast to get your metabolism started early in the morning. It also will not trigger a glycemic response, so it’s perfect for diabetics too.

  ✅ Pro Vitality Pack
  ✅ NEOLIFE shakes for breakfast.

A Glycemic response controlled meal delivering 1/3 of your daily macro and micro-nutrient needs, which help balance blood sugar levels, blood pressure level and cholesterol levels. Ideal for those who typically skip breakfast and now need to establish a regular meal plan eating 3X per day minimum. Combined  the vitamin & meal replacement shake deliver power-packed nutrition. At under $7/day  (with breakfast already taken care of) $1.90+$3.55= $5.45) /day that’s an awesome value meal. $49.70/14days =$3.55 < $5/day.

#VitalityChallengeJumpstart Advanced Program For Energy + Nutrition Boost
2-Week Detox + Advanced Vitality Plan

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Optimal Vitality Plan For Weight Loss

The Optimal 30-Day Vitality Challenge Program… Where you do the above as well as follow the 2-week Vitality Detox program then the 2-week transition program to really jump start weight loss and boost liver and kidney function so they can do the heavy lifting and get rid of the unwanted sludge and fat in your body.
  ✅Pro Vitality Pack
  ✅NEOLIFE shakes for breakfast & Dinner.
  ✅Vitality Detox Plan with Digestive enzymes support and Aloe Vera Support

This program jumpstarted your metabolism and transitions it into fat burning mode, all while powering it up on nutrition. At under $10/day (with breakfast already taken care of) ($66.87/30 = $2.23 + ($45.62/16 =$2.85).

#VitalityChallengeJumpstart Optimal Program For Weight Loss+ Energy + Nutrition Boost
2-Week Detox + Optimal Vitality Plan

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Optional: Our Signature 2 Week Detox Program To Jumpstart Liver & Kidney Function Companion For Weight Loss (Anti-inflammatory, Metabolism Resetting, Sugar Fix Resetting, Overall All Vitalizing) included. Products sold separately

You Have Nothing to Lose, & Everything To Gain! Join Now...

Join The Vitality JumpStart Challenge Facebook Group for 2025 (NEW START DATE!)

Start Date Pushed Back 1 week For convenience for those just getting back from vacation!

FREE Assessment Profile Build & Consultation,  PlusTools, Tips, Recipes, Meal Planner & Accountability For 30-Days. Products Extra.
Complete Your Free Vitality Assessment.